
Effectively delivering complex and diverse construction services to clients CONUS and OCONUS.
Tidewater’s Construction Division provides construction services to Federal Clients throughout the United States and has provided services in over 30 countries worldwide. We execute projects using design-build and design-bid-build delivery methods. This Division maintains IDIQ construction contracts with multiple Districts of the US Army Corps of Engineers, NAVFAC, the US Department of State Overseas Building Operations (OBO), Army, and GSA.
Tidewater has developed a reputation for being very responsive and flexible and we pride ourselves on meeting project schedules and budgets, being able to execute multiple tasks concurrently, and responding to mission-critical client requirements. We consistently receive excellent references and commendations from our clients. In fact, Tidewater is the 2016 recipient of DoS OBO’s Small Business of the Year.
We have a proven record of executing projects safely without lost time injuries. Our safety program is based on the USACE EM 385-1-1 Safety and Health Requirements Manual and OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926 to achieve a safe working environment with a safety-conscious work force. Tidewater has an established construction quality control (CQC) management system for construction projects to ensure installation and service is performed in compliance with design/contract documents.
Tidewater maintains excellent bonding capability through Great Midwestern. We have an established bonding capacity of $25,000,000 single/$75,000,000 aggregate.
Our Solutions
- Design Build
- Design Bid Build
- Department of Defense
- Diplomatic Facilities
- Secure Spaces
- Habitat Restoration
- Medical Restoration
- Historic Renovations
Design Build
Tidewater has completed multiple projects at Federal facilities using the design-build approach. We have relationships with multiple design firms and engineering consultants who are familiar with working on DoD and Federal Projects. We have qualified design professionals who serve as the Design Quality Manager to ensure a complete design that avoids later delays.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP
- Kirtland AFB Medical Clinic Renovation
- Washington Navy Yard – Building 57
- Indian Head – Building 1662 Renovation
- Mechanical Upgrades – US Embassy Windhoek, Namibia
- WNY – Building 33 Renovation
Design Bid Build
We are experienced with the design build process and with established relationships with a large cadre of subcontractors, can mobilize to start these types of projects quickly to achieve the designated period of performance for these contracts.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP.
- WRNMMC – Building 9 Entrance Renovation
- WRNMMC – Building 2 Elevator Renovation
- NRL – Seawall Replacement
- NRL – Steam Line Repairs
- MCB Quantico _ Purvis Road
- USNAS Pax River – Hot Pit Fuel System Replacement
Department of Defense
Tidewater has completed multiple projects at DoD facilities, including Navy, Amarine, ir Force and Army Installations. We understand the unique security requirements of working in these locations. We also understand UFC guideline and how they relate to construction at these facilities.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP.
- WRNMMC – Building 9 Entrance Renovation
- WRNMMC – Building 2 Elevator Renovation
- NRL – Seawall Replacement
- Washington Navy Yard – Building 57
- Indian Head – Building 1662 Renovation
Diplomatic Facilities
We have worked in over 30 countries at US Embassy and Consulate Facilities. We understand the unique challenges working at these high-profile locations and know how to ensure diplomatic security is maintained during a project.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP.
- US Consulate Lease Fit Out – Hamburg Germany
- NCC Phase 1 Early Site Work – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Mechanical Upgrades – US Embassy Windhoek, Namibia
- Fuel Tanke Replacement – US Embassy Cairo, Egypt
- Fire Protection Upgrades – US Embassy Dhaka, Bangladesh
Secure Spaces
We have experience constructing and working in secure spaces including SCIFs. Many of our staff maintain security clearances that enable them to work in these types of facilities.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP.
- Indian Head – Building 1662 Renovation
- Mechanical Upgrades – US Embassy Windhoek, Namibia
- GSA LAFO SCIF Construction
- WNY – Building 210 1st and 2nd Floor Renovation
Habitat Restoration
Tidewater has completed multiple projects involving stream, wetland, and habitat restoration. Many of these projects were completed under the great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP.
- USACE Buffalo – Port Clinton Wetland Restoration
- USACE Buffalo – Seneca Bluffs Restoration
- Joint Base Andrews – Meetinghouse Creek Restoration
- USACE Buffalo – Unity Island Invasive Species Control Project
- USNA – Greenbury Point Reforestation Project
Medical Restoration
Tidewater has completed multiple projects within the military medical environment. Our personnel have extensive experience with Joint Commission requirements and implementation of Infection Control and Interim Life Safety Measures. We understand the critical mission of these medical facilities and the patients they serve. We pride ourselves on risk mitigation and minimizing impacts to patient care/ research being performed at these locations. Healthcare missions may remain the same, but the delivery methods are constantly evolving with improvements in technology. Tidewater is evolving with the industry to provide solutions for new requirements in support of healthcare facilities.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP
- Building 10 Main Entrance Renovation Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda MD
- Building one (Tower) Elevator Modernization Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda MD
- Uniformed Services University Computer Center and Electrical Distribution, Bethesda MD
- Kirtland Clinic Renovation, Albuquerque New Mexico
Historic Renovations
Tidewater has successfully completed projects involving historic renovations both in the United States and Internationally. We understand the challenges of working with the requisite historic preservation governing bodies (SHPO, UNESCO, etc.) and the need for utilizing skilled tradespersons when performing work on these important and sensitive projects.
For more information, contact Fergus Donaldson, PE, PMP
- US Naval Academy, Mahan Hall Facade Restoration
- US Naval Academy, Historic Gate 3 Turnstile Replacement
- Washington Navy Yard, Building 57 First Floor Renovation and Building Mechanical Upgrade
- US Consulate Hamburg, Germany – Lease Fit Out
- US Consulate Amsterdam, Netherlands – Electric and Mechanical Upgrades
- USACE Detroit, Michigan – Historic Fort Wayne Roof Replacement